Cortland Community Band
Proudly Making Music in Cortland, Ohio
CCB News
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CCB News
Band Notes, Winter 2023
Rehearsals are underway for our Winter 2023 Concert Season. Bring your instrument and your love for music. No auditions necessary. Wednesday evenings, 7-9pm, Lakeview Middle School bandroom.
(Archive News, from 2013) Thanks to everyone in our band and in our community for helping to make our 30th Anniversary Concert a great success!
Sunday, Nov. 3rd. was a magical day for Cortland Community Band as we celebrated our 30th anniversary with a concert at the Lakeview High School auditorium. First to perform was our Dixieland Band who welcomed the audience with several great toe tapping selections as a video was shown of past performances. Then the Lakeview 8th grade band under the direction of Mr. Nathan Sensabaugh performed 3 selections and did a wonderful job. We were thrilled to have them as part of our concert. After a brief intermission the Cortland Community Band took the stage and performed several selections directed by Mr. Craig Wiencek who has been conducting the band for nearly 20 years. Next our founding director, Mr. Roger Harned, took the podium and lead us in two songs from the first concert 30 years ago. It was our great pleasure to have Roger with us again. We finished up the concert being joined by the 8th grade band and performed "God Bless America" under the direction of Mr. Nathan Sensabaugh. Thanks to the generous donations from the concert goers we are able to give a nice check to the Lakeview High School band program. Our Christmas programs start on Wednesday, Dec. 4th - 7:00 pm at Grace UMC, Drexel Ave., Warren. Next we will be performing on Wednesday, Dec. 11th - 7:00 pm at Howland Scope, and then we will be at Eastwood Mall on Sunday, Dec. 22nd at 3:00 pm. We would love to see you there!
Click here for downloadable PDF concert flyer.

Eastwood Mall, Purchase With a Purpose, November, 2006