Cortland Community Band
Proudly Making Music for 40 Years in Cortland, Ohio
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CCB Home
W elcome to the Cortland Community Band, an all-volunteer organization of musicians who enjoy music and fellowship, based in Cortland, Ohio. 2023 marked the 40th year of our CCB! The band entertains audiences in Cortland and other nearby communities at celebrations, parades, fairs, festivals and many other local events throughout the year. Performances in 2024 included Winds at the Winery at Mastropietro, Cortland Methodist Church Lawn Concert, Bazetta Park Concert Series, and many other outstanding venues. Nearly every style of music is represented in our repertoire including Big Band, Broadway, Classical, March, Patriotic, Popular, and seasonal favorites.
Although there have been community bands in Cortland periodically since the 1870's, the present-day Cortland Community Band began in 1983. Currently there are about 60 active members in the band, but there is always room for more. Newcomers are welcome and there are no auditions.